This one is long... be prepared. But how else do you explain the lessons from a threesome???9/21/2021 I'm sitting here at my kids school in what use to be the lunch room. He is in "Sports & Games" class with Mr. P. It is his first day back since March of 2020! However, we are homeschooling now and using a Parent Partnered Program. Which is a fancy way of saying a publicly supported homeschool program. It is actually incredibly rad! I wish I had this growing up. Curriculum catered to their natural born gifts and preferences. Of course there's still standard classes but they do their best and aren't even graded. Anyhow... I'm here. Finally sitting at my laptop. Something I've rarely done over the last month... nearly two. And yet, the idea of trying to explain everything that has transpired in the last 90 days seems more like a book job. Because... well there was a lot! Like, a lot, a lot! But for the sake of following through with my last newsletter, I'll put some major bullet points out there. My squirrelly brain is trying to find things to get distracted by... this is hilarious! Gah! The resistance is thick with this one... hang on a minute. The sun is blazing through the windows and is incredibly beautiful but I can't really see my screen. I need to move. BRB *wink
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So I know it hasn't been long and I haven't even sent out my newsletter for anyone to even come and see this blog but I found myself wanting to write here more than I was concerned about it reaching anyone. This has actually been a very powerful, potent and PRIVATE experience. Except for my children, Patrick and two close women... no one else has
![]() This is coming to you live from the center of my achy heart. It is a beautiful Monday morning. My babies are still sleeping and the sun is shining. I have my glorious cup of Love by my side and my dog is at my feet. The sound of worldly music softly playing in the background. So why am I feeling weepy today? Seems like it is time to release this heavy thing I've been carrying around for way too long. It is time to let go of.... This blog began back in June... It is now July and so much has evolved already. This is the magic of our existence when we allow things to flow and be honest IN the moment. Time is irrelevant. What I say here is still True for me now... continue reading to hear about my heart felt, honest evolution.
I want you to meet my girlfriend. And not forget my boyfriend. She's not my friend girlfriend... but my Girlfriend. My Lover. My beautiful mirror and manifestation of a lifetime dream I once never imagined being possible. This is simply my story and while I realize it is only mine... there wasn't anyone there to help me see it differently.
Until now. And yet, I still feel it is important for me to release what is boiling within. A month ago exactly today (wow, I literally just looked it up) I had a session with the lovely Dr. Tara Cameron of Sound Point Wellness. She is amazing and you’d be blessed to see her. Anyhow, during my session with her we discussed many things. Like myself, she has an extensive arsenal (toybox she called it and now I will be using that too) of skills in supporting us humans in our healing. She asked beautiful questions and brought up great suggestions as well as reminding me...
The thought of seeing you turns my stomach. I feel nauseous. Anxious. Like my guts are being ripped out. Really… like I’m gonna die. You are the representation of my beliefs. You are the circumstances for which my mind has been trained to collect the evidence to prove i am right. But who is the i that wants to be right? It is not I. Or eye. But the m-i-nd. The ego. The thinker. The thought maker. It is not the One. It is not the Self who Knows there is no separation. No need to fear. No death. Only Love.
And so it goes like this… I shake, I tremble. Walking away from a good man. Today I sit on the left side of the bed. A bed we once shared for nearly 14 years. The sun is shining in through one of the panoramic windows. Windows that I fell in love with when we moved in. Specifically positioning myself to be... There are many times that I reflect upon the wisdom I feel within me. The idea or connection to what is true for me. I love to share with others what I have learned over the years & sometimes I get hung up on the fact that there are really no words that I can speak that have never been said before. So to put content out there and then sign my name feels...
Today while at The Den Coffeehouse... One of my many jobs that I have to fulfill my curiosities, desire to be of service and truly to pay the bills... I thought to myself; Would I rather